Petőcz András

Born in Budapest, on 27th August, 1959.

Reorganization of the literary and art periodical Jelenlét (Presence) in 1981. More than two years he was the chief editor of the periodical which was published by the Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences and soon became a significant forum on the contemporary literature.

Graduated from Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences in 1986 (studied Hungarian Literature and Language-History).

After obtaining the degree he was an assistant at Gorkii State Library for a short time, then he has been working as professional writer.

List of Publications

  1. Betűpiramis (poems), 1984
  2. Önéletrajzi kísérletek (poems, visual poems), 1984
  3. A jelentés nélküli hangsor (poems), 1984
  4. Kassák Lajos Emlékkönyv (ed., anthology), 1988
  5. Non-figuratív (visual poems), 1989
  6. Médium-Art (ed., anthology), 1990
  7. A láthatatlan jelenlét (poems), 1990
  8. A jelben-létezés méltósága (essays on history of literature), 1990
  9. Európa metaforája (poems), 1991.
  10. Csutorás Gergely ébresztése (poems for children), 1991
  11. Az írógépelt félelem (poems), 1992
  12. A tenger dicsérete (selected poems), 1994
  13. Az utazó búcsúja (poems, translations), 1996
  14. Micimackó barátai (poems for children), 1996
  15. Idegenként, Európában (essays), 1997
  16. Haroldo de Campos: Konkrét versek (translation), 1997
  17. La métaphore d'Europe (poems in French), 1998
  18. Lobgesang des Meeres/In Praise of the Sea, (poems in E./G.) 1999
  19. Medúza (poems), 2000.
  20. A napsütötte sávban (poems) 2001.
  21. Majdnem minden (selected poems) 2002.
  22. Egykor volt házibarátaink (novel) 2002.
  23. Európa rádió (poems) 2005.
  24. Sárga virág a feleségem (short stories) 2005.
  25. A születésnap (novel) 2006.
  26. Idegenek (novel) 2007.
  27. in a row of sunlight (poems in English) 2008.